The philosophical underpinnings that drive our psychotherapeautic approach are drawn from the Wisdom Traditions, the great Philosophies and Religions, from the latest in Neurology and Psycho-biotherapeutics; to traditions in Mindful Meditation, the Arts and Sciences, and Depth Psychology. We keep the best of the Clinical and Behavioral Psychologies and blend them with research that is proven to relieve the symptoms and causes of psychological suffering.
The result is our unique, holistic, soul-based approach to psychological healing.
shift occurring in the fields of psychology, sociology, and the behavioral sciences, and our counseling service is the result of corrections to the current system. While keeping the concepts and strategies that have been proven effective, we reject the parts of the old model that are ineffective, and embrace the new paradigm. Our directive is to help you achieve optimum health, happiness, and success.
Our psyche, as the inner genius, is our intuition, our muse, our trusted guide.
Healing the Soul from Grief, Loss, and Wounded-ness
The afternoon workshop was for anyone recovering from the powerful emotional contents of bereavement, grief and loss. In this unique workshop event we experienced the healing ritual of creating a Tibetan sand mandala, practicing mindful meditation techniques, and joining with a community of compassionate soul seekers. Presented by highly trained and skilled counselors, this ceremonial event encouraged our healing processes in a healthy and holistic way.
The loss of any relationship, whether through death, divorce, betrayal — any painful ending — can bring about a pain that lingers and sharpens, and affects us in all areas of our lives. Losing a loved one, friend, family member, a pet, a job, brings about a profound experience of grief and bereavement. The loss of any relationship, whether through death, divorce, betrayal — any painful ending — can bring about a pain that lingers and sharpens, and affects us in all areas of our lives. This loss must be healed on the spiritual plane, not just the emotional.
Healing from the wounds of grief and loss requires sacred soulwork. The Center4Soul is here to help you heal the wounds of lingering grief and bereavement. Our therapeutic methods go beyond the traditional talk therapies and psychiatric solutions; our programs are designed to allow the psyche - the soul - to experience sacred rituals that encourage and activate the psyche's healing processes. An informative teaching module, combined with the insights from mindful meditation, and powerful, ancient rituals, combine to align the soul, the ego, and the spirit.
The loss of any relationship, whether through death, divorce, betrayal — any painful ending — can bring about a pain that lingers and sharpens, and affects us in all areas of our lives. Losing a loved one, friend, family member, a pet, a job, brings about a profound experience of grief and bereavement. The loss of any relationship, whether through death, divorce, betrayal — any painful ending — can bring about a pain that lingers and sharpens, and affects us in all areas of our lives. This loss must be healed on the spiritual plane, not just the emotional.
Healing from the wounds of grief and loss requires sacred soulwork. The Center4Soul is here to help you heal the wounds of lingering grief and bereavement. Our therapeutic methods go beyond the traditional talk therapies and psychiatric solutions; our programs are designed to allow the psyche - the soul - to experience sacred rituals that encourage and activate the psyche's healing processes. An informative teaching module, combined with the insights from mindful meditation, and powerful, ancient rituals, combine to align the soul, the ego, and the spirit.
Follow-up Suggestions:
You have accessed the deepest layers of the psyche. Now let the healing process continue. Please continue to practice mindful meditation. Just a few minutes a day will increase your ability to heal, to understand, and to develop personal resilience against suffering. You will find strength and peace that can only be accessed within your spirit. A mindful meditation practice is research based, and proven to bring about positive changes.
When you become aware that your mind has wondered to thoughts and memories, return to your breath.
Continuing this simple practice will strengthen your soul's ability to have control over the ego mind.
Give it time. It is a process, an exercise. Results will soon become obvious.
Please continue to reflect on the sand mandala experience, and the ritual of dissolution, returning to the flow of life, setting the stage for a rebirth. This is the heart and essence of existence taught to us by the universe. It is a process the psyche - the soul - understands, and by reflecting on the experience, you allow your soul to align with your personal ego. It's in that alignment, that bringing to awareness, that reflective process, where the healing process works. This is how the psyche works, in a similar fashion that remembering a dream or favorite movie or experience cannot be put into words, but rather it is a felt experience. Let the power of the experience do the healing.
Play List - Healing the Wounded Soul: Recovering from Grief and Loss
Music has a unique ability to reach the soul, to touch wounded places, and to lift the spirit. Let the beauty and power of music assist your healing process. Here is a copy of the music playlist from Saturday's workshop. The playlist is designed to reflect the alchemy of healing - from a state of suffering, to the sacred space of inner golden peace. Listen again and let the music work its magic. Let it help you heal.
The (live) links are from YouTube, and many of the songs are available through your preferred music download app (iTunes, Amazon, etc.). Playlist is also available on our YouTube site.
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